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se details," Clinton said. "Our city and state suffered tremendous losses and to have the federal government merely guess as to what resources have been spent does a disservice to the ongoing recovery." Clinton made the same request five months ago but received no response from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The money is part of the $21.4 billion aid package that President Bush promised to the city after Sept. 11. Clinton said FEMA suggested that continued health care for Ground Zero workers cannot be paid for because there is not enough money left. "I am confident that a full and detailed accounting will confirm that when it comes to such an urgent health need, demands do not exceed the availability of resources," Clinton wrote to FEMA Director Joe Allbaugh. FEMA did not respond to requests for comment.Once upon a time, the Clintons and the Gores shared everything, from political tickets to intimate White House dinners. But those days seemed long gone yesterday after the former vice president charged that the Democratic Party - the
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submit [it] so we can meet their criteria.&quot;Charlotte Schilcher, 40, an events manager of Harlesden, whose children, Alfie, six, and Betsy, two, attended Treetops, said: &quot;It's left me in a very awkward position because we were pretty sure it was going to close so I applied for a place in another nursery and now I don't know whether I'm going to need it or not ... I can't maintain paying for two nurseries at once.&quot;The surviving council-funded nursery, Willow, will continue to provide spaces, particularly for children with disabilities.Councillor Mary Arnold, lead member for children and families at Brent council, said: &quot;Unfortunately, after the change in government policy and funding reductions, Brent can't afford to subsidise all three nurseries, so we need to spend our limited funds on the children who need it most.&quot;TweetComments ShareTweetRelated Articles Alcohol plan &#039;may boost industry&#039; Anderson puts England in charge Its softly, softly catchee monkey over Graeme Swann Suggested TopicsCricketUnited Arab
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