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mber of accidents and lawsuits. Juries in the city also hand out some of the biggest judgment awards.Six top executives of the oldest claims adjusting company in the world were indicted on racketeering charges yesterday for allegedly inflating insurance claims to the tune of $5 million over a five-year period. The charges against Goldstein Affiliatesa public adjuster founded in 1886are the latest result of a federal probe into corruption within the insurance industry, said Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Zachary Carter. The investigation has led to 128 convictions to date involving the submission of $120 million in fraudulent claims to insurance companies. In addition to Goldstein itself, it's president, Roy Lubell, former President Martin Seltzer, General Counsel Steven Seltzer, CEO Irwin Block, Vice President Michael Oland and Chairman Nathan Liberman were charged with conspiracy, mail fraud and racketeering. The company represents insured parties when they submit claims for losses to insurance companies. It allegedly inflated claims involving priva
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