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ranslationthe papers made it seem as if Milbury had meant Palffy. "He's fine now. We fixed it," Kraus said. Still no progress in negotiations, though.A Manhattan doorman who conspired to kill a Brooklyn woman agreed to pay extra for the job after being told there was a surcharge for dumping overweight bodies. Assistant District Attorney Ryan Brackley said in court yesterday that Norman Gary, 43, of Greenburgh, N.Y., discussed his proposed victim's weight with an undercover cop posing as a hit man. Brackley disclosed the bizarre conversation in Manhattan Supreme Court as Gary was sentenced to nine to 18 years in prison. In a deal with prosecutors, he pleaded guilty last month to conspiracy to commit murder. Gary wanted to kill the woman because she was having an affair with his lover, a bisexual man he met in prison while serving time for bank fraud. The woman had a 5-year-old child by Gary's paramour. When Gary told his lover that he intended to kill the woman, the man contacted police, who sent an undercover cop to pose as a hired gun. Gary an
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