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[controller] seeing a problem and moving to correct those problems."Mayor Giuliani balked at the prospect of bankrolling a $75-million overhaul of bilingual education in city public schools yesterday, saying the Board of Education has "plenty of money" to make reforms. Just days after Schools Chancellor Harold Levy and the mayor's own bilingual education task force unveiled virtually identical plans, Giuliani said he was taken aback by the hefty price tag Levy placed on his program. "I didn't see this as a more-money issue. I saw it as a 'Let's straighten out the program' issue," Giuliani said in Brooklyn at his daily news conference. A visibly agitated Giuliani, who has aggressively pushed for paring down the bureaucracy in the 1.1 million-student school system, noted the Board of Education has a $10.9 billion budget. "They should move it around," he said. "The problem with the system is the organization of it," Giuliani said. "If you change the way in which it's organized, you've got plenty of money there to make it work." Levy said last nig
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The guy I still hold responsible for this is John Gotti Jr.," Sliwa said. tzambitoYOU'RE LISTENING to WMOB - the voice of the Mafia. Reputed mobster Greg DePalma allegedly tried to pressure WKTU-FM (103.5 FM) morning show host Goumba Johnny and deejay Johnny Rocks into plugging a Harlem restaurant owned by another reputed wiseguy. "He wanted to promote the restaurant because it was owned by [Louis] Filipelli," FBI agent Joaquin Manuel Garcia testified yesterday during DePalma's racketeering trial in Manhattan Federal Court. "Greg told me he was going to talk to Goumba Johnny and Johnny Rocks." The promos for the Pleasant Avenue Cafe ran but no thanks to Goumba Johnny, a childhood friend of DePalma's son Craig. "He was angry at Goumba Johnny" for not helping him, Garcia told defense attorney Martin Geduldig. The 49-year-old radio host, whose real name is John Sialiano, served five months in prison in 2000 for cheating on his taxes while managing the Manhattan strip club Scores in the mid-1990s. DePalma and his son were snared in the same FBI pr
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