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ve other members of the flight crew, while Boeing picked up the rest.Cary Stayner, suspected in the grisly deaths of four women in or near Yosemite National Park, has a bizarre family history rivaling the most riveting of soap operas.Stayner's arrest yesterday and his role as the prime suspect in the deaths of three female sightseers in the national park earlier this year is only the latest chapter in a series of tragedies that have befallen his family.In 1972, Stayner's then 7-year-old brother, Steven, was kidnapped by a 40-year-old drifter named Kenneth Eugene Parnell while walking home from school in Merced, Calif.For the next seven years, Parnell abused the child sexually and psychologically. Calling his newfound "son" Dennis, the pair moved from town to town in California, hiding out in out-of-the-way trailers and cabins.In 1980, when Stayner was 14, the teen escaped when Parnell kidnapped another boy, 5-year-old Timmy White. With the small boy in tow, the two hitchhiked from Parnell's home near Ukiah, Calif., to the nearest police station
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