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itically injured. A detective gave the Nissan's license plate number to the NYPD's new Real Time Crime Center, which traced the car to Hansraj and found that he had been arrested on Jan. 29 for driving with a suspended license. Cops found Hansraj at a Brooklyn address he had given police after that arrest. Hansraj was charged with vehicular manslaughter, driving while intoxicated, leaving the scene of a fatal accident and assault. Carrie Melago Relatives ID body Grieving relatives yesterday identified the body of a man found stabbed to death and stuffed in a suitcase in the Bronx, cops said. The family of Mario Hidalgo, 28, of Inwood, recognized a sketch of the victim's face police released Tuesday. Bronx homicide detectives are investigating. Carrie Melago S.I. arraignment A FOURTH suspect in the brutal beating and stabbing of a Staten Island teenager was arraigned yesterday on attempted murder charges. Charles Novoa, 19, was being held on $20,000 bail after being charged in Saturday night's attack on 14-year-old Richard Osloski, authorities s
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tried to force her to have sex. In 1979, Threadgill, then 26, shot Eric Truxler in the head with a .38-caliber handgun. A grand jury refused to indict her after she claimed to be a battered woman acting in self-defense against her 20-year-old live-in boyfriend. Defense and prosecution psychiatrists who examined Threadgill in the killing of her second mate concluded she was psychotic when she stabbed Alouche. She had faced up to 25 years to life in prison if convicted of Alouche's murder. Instead, she pleaded "not responsible due to mental disease or defect" and D'Emic committed her to a state mental facility, lawyers said. "Justice was served," said defense lawyer Philip Smallman.LITTLE NAYA HERNANDEZ knows her mother as the smiling face in a photograph. The 4-year-old Bronx girl doesn't know why her mommy, who is serving time on a drug-trafficking conviction, left home more than two years ago. She only knows she's coming back soon. "She's a kid," said Marina Perez, 21, her sister and primary caregiver. "She can't remember everything. But when
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ts watched on West St. as Mayor Giuliani joined children of victims in pulling the switch on thousands of lights on a majestic 30-foot Canadian fir. The tree was topped with an American flag and adorned with thousands of angels bearing the names of the more than 3,000 people killed in the terror attack. Ironworkers constructed the giant base. Electricians hooked up wiring for the lights. Carpenters built a huge platform for onlookers to see the tree. "The tree is a symbol of unity for all the unions who have worked down here and for the families who lost loved ones," said Maurice McGrath, a carpenters union official. Bringing the Christmas tree into the shadow of Ground Zero was the pet project of Jimmy Nolan, a union carpenter who volunteered at the site in the hours after the attack. Nolan found out that World Trade Center management had ordered a holiday tree that was supposed to be erected in the plaza. The order was forgotten after the carnage of Sept. 11, but Nolan tracked down the supplier and arranged for the tree to be delivered anyway.
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