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of 456 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn, was indicted on a charge of third-degree attempted assault, a misdemeanor. He is accused of punching a cop in the face behind the main stage. Washington faces a year in jail if convicted. Of the other five, who are identified only by descriptions, only one was charged with a felony.A lawsuit involving Tommy Lee, ex-husband of buxom blond Pamela Anderson, came to a bizarre end yesterday that left the rocker calling his lawyer an "idiot." Lee, 38, had been accused of ripping off the name of his new band, Methods of Mayhem, from an unknown Swedish musician who produces sound-effects CDs. Late yesterday afternoon, just as the Manhattan Federal Court jury came in with a verdict, Lee's record company, MCA Records, announced it had reached an out-of-court settlement with the plaintiff, Thomas Tibert, 38. The settlement gives Tibert an undisclosed amount of cash and Lee will continue using the name. But it turned out the jury had found the defendants not liable. Noting that the legal fees for both sides had to be astro
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