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hair is hereditary, some people have to face the brutal fact that they would be bald sooner, not later, than they expect. It's an amazing thing to know that several kinds of hair loss treatment are now up for grabs in the market. According to experts in the field of hair care, women should note that men are not the only ones who have the tendency to experience and suffer hair loss condition. It only seems men are more prone to having partial or complete balding but this doesn't mean women are safe. If a person is starting to notice excessive hair fall and bald spots, he or she should immediately consult his or her doctor. Although a person doesn't have any history of premature loss of hair in the family, he or she can get bald as a side effect of a particular drug. Aside from medicatio
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JJ, AQ, KQsCall TT, 99, 88, 77, AJ, ATs, KJs, QJs, KQo, KTsFold Everything else Late Position:Raise same as above plus TT, II, AJ, ATsCall 88, 77, 66, 55, 44, AT, A9, Axs (where x is any small card), KJ, KT, K9, K8s, QJ, QT, Q9s, JT, J9s, T9, T8, 98, 97s, 87sFold Everything else Poker Strategy ..2 Aggression There are two ways to win: get the best hand, or get everyone to fold. The less people still in the game, the better chance you have of beating them. Be aware, however, that in low limit games rarely fold. Its harder to get a $3 bet to fold, than a $300 bet. Poker Strategy ..3 The Math When you want to figure out whether its worth betting, thing about this. The first thing you do is count your outs the number of cards in the deck that make your hand. For example, if you need a strai

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