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low me to sleep," he said in a statement presented by his lawyer. The judge ordered Barghouti, captured April 15, to be held for 25 more days. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declared the first phase of his "battle against terrorism" over Sunday as the bulk of his troops pulled out of the West Bank. In addition to the troops in Bethlehem and Ramallah, Sharon left soldiers on the outskirts of Nablus and several other West Bank towns. Boucher said Sharon has to get all the troops out if there is to be any hope of a ceasefire. "We think it's important for that withdrawal to be completed," he said. Meanwhile, the violence, which has left 470 Israelis and more than 1,500 Palestinians dead in .
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ith Hispanic Democrats, who have become an early focus of his push to build support beyond the traditional GOP base. He was expected to receive the endorsement from Rivera at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, which serves a large Hispanic population. Shift in support Rivera and his union have long been associated with liberal Democratic causes. The membership is overwhelmingly Democratic and black or Hispanic. Rivera was a member of the Democratic National Committee before resigning in January. In recent years, however, the labor boss and his union have been willing to back - or at least not oppose - Republicans who hold political power. At the same time, the union's reputation for wor.

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