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an offer of a $6,000 bonus to anyone who would sign up by today. Nationwide, the Army failed to fill about 6,000 slots in its enlistment target of 74,500 for the end of the fiscal year, as young men and women chose civilian life over the rigors of the barracks, said Doug Smith, a spokesman for the Army Recruitment Command in Fort Knox, Ky. The Army's enlistment shortfall should prompt the Pentagon to consider easing recruiting standards so candidates without a high school diploma can be accepted, said Lawrence Korb, former assistant secretary of defense for personnel. "If we had the same standards that we had during the Persian Gulf War," when the military took in youngsters without a diplo.
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The magazine estimates that after paying managers, lawyers, expenses and taxes, a celeb who was paid $20 million banks about $6 million.City Firefighter Ella McNair shattered another pane of the glass ceiling yesterday, becoming the first African-American woman to hold the rank of lieutenant. McNair - in the first group of women who joined the department in 1982 - was among 20 firefighters promoted at FDNY headquarters yesterday. She is the third woman from that class to advance to the rank of company officer. McNair said she was encouraged to apply for an FDNY job by a firefighter who lived on her Bedford-Stuyvesant street in Brooklyn. "I'm here today because of him," McNair said as she hu.
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from their doctors, and they haven't made it clear how much we'll have to pay," he said. "You can bet it'll be more." ABC took swift action against the striking workers, saying it wouldn't allow them to return unless they pledged not to strike again without giving the network advance warning. The strikers agreed to those conditions. Yesterday's strike is part of a long-running dispute; the company and the workers have been negotiating a new contract for two years without an agreement. The existing contract expired March 31, 1997.Powered by "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," ABC last week took its 12th consecutive Nielsen-ratings crown, according to statistics released yesterday. The network h.

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